A popular herb and an important part of Mediterranean Cuisine, oregano is widely known to flavor dishes and provides some essential nutrients to our body. Grown mostly in the Mediterranean region and Eurasia the leaves of the oregano plant have a bitter, zesty and sweet taste with some Astringent Properties. It is usually used in the dried form for most toppings or to flavor curries and sauces.
Besides being used as an herb, oregano is also used in other forms like essential oil and in the form of capsules. The Liquid extract of oregano has a highly Impressive Nutritional Profile and is packed with proteins, fiber and carbohydrates. It also has various minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and iron. Organic Oregano Liquid extract is loaded with compounds like thymol, ocimene, carvacrol, limonene, and teripene. All these compounds are rich in Antioxidants and high in Anti-inflammatory Properties.
The presence of carvacrol in Pure oregano liquid extract makes it highly therapeutic and acts as an Antioxidant, with Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Properties. It helps to combat various lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, etc., and various other food-borne diseases. The herb with its vast anti-bacterial properties helps in fighting infections of the skin, gut, and many other parts of the property.
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