The word ?henna? is often associated with a dark red-brown dye that is obtained from the henna plant and is used in the art of temporary tattooing the hands and legs. Often called ?Mehndi' in parts of India and South-East Asia, the henna plant is an evergreen shrub that grows well in fertile, well-drained, or dry soils.
Apart from use in the dye industry, Heena Liquid Extracts are widely used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines because of their many medicinal properties. The liquid extract of heena is used as an effective gargle for bad throat and the treatment of diarrhea, ulcers, tapeworms, and for bringing down fever. You can also use it Soap Making.
The liquid extract of henna is loaded with Anti-inflammatory properties that are particularly effective in relieving headaches, reducing stress, anxiety, tension, and calming the mind. It promotes the Healthy flow of blood in the capillaries thereby regulating blood pressure levels and optimizing Blood Circulation.
Hina extracts are most popularly known for their benefits on the hair and in improving Hair and Nail Health. It is widely used in dyeing grey hair, making hair soft, smooth and nourish along with imparting them a rich brown-reddish shine. It also increases hair strength and makes hair follicles healthy.
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