Fans of instant coffee take note! A blend of Arabica and Robusta beans, this is the coffee you need to keep handy if you like your cup of joe made quick, strong and delicious. There?s no instant coffee quite like this one.
Excellent collection of products and variety. Brilliant customer service. My order reached ahead of estimated time, even during COVID19. Extremely impressed and highly recommend!
With the import of goods to the EU in general, and in my case ayurvedic herbal medicines, it is sometimes challenging concerning the customs clearance. Delays can occur, or unexpected taxes added, but the great thing about shopping at MyUniqueBasket is if any inconvenience is met, my experience is that, they always jump on it and have solved each situation to great satisfaction. So, five stars for customer care. As for the products, these always have met my expectation. Will buy again.
5 STAR REVIEW - Hello My Unique Basket Team Customer service I recently received My first order and am very pleased to see that all liquid Asavas are very neatly wrapped and received all items in a very timely manner. Support Team represents standard of excellence for providing best customer services. Anyone looking for Indian Branded Ayurvedic Medicine please use store MyUniqueBasket.
I am extremely happy with the prompt delivery process of my ordered items. They reached me in Australia within 4 business days even in the current circumstances! Looking forward to shopping from you guys in future as well. Great work team!
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