Rhumagen pain balm is a handy adaptation of the traditional taila processed with anti-inflammatory drugs. Arthritic pain is brought on by inflamed body tissue and joints. Over time, inflammatory swelling and pain in the joints become chronic and dramatically reduces the quality of life in an individual. The underlying causes may be simple wear and tear or auto-immune dysfunction.
Rhumagen pain balm has immediate local action due to a rubefacient ointment base infused with the healing properties of anti-inflammatory herbs.
Benefits of Sitaram Ayurveda Rhumagan Strong Pain Balm:
Relieves aches and pains: Local application of the salve instantly soothes inflammation. It relieves pain and swelling associated with inflammatory disorders, trauma and work out stress.
Heals and strengthens degenerative joints: The taila infused ointment delivers the healing and ?vata-alleviating? properties of Rasna, Sahachara, Kushta, Devadaru etc. to deeper tissues. Nourishes and revives dry and brittle joints. Replenishes synovial fluid. Facilitates easy movement.
Encourages healing: Rhumagen pain balm promotes blood and lymph drainage in the swollen joint. Draws out deep tissue inflammation thereby breaking down the inflammatory pathway.
Dosage of Sitaram Ayurveda Rhumagan Strong Pain Balm:
Sufficient quantity based on the area affected can be rubbed in and repeated as necessary. Dry heat or steam fomentation of the affected area is recommended for best results.
Ingredients of Sitaram Ayurveda Rhumagan Strong Pain Balm:
Rhumagen pain balm is recommended for arthralgia, sprains and strains, low backache, cervical and lumbar inflammations, shoulder pain, sports injuries, traumatic pain & swelling, fascistic pain and muscle spasm etc.
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