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Sitaram Ayurveda Karpooradi Tailam

Sitaram Ayurveda Karpooradi Tailam is a Sitaram Ayurveda brand product, best for.. Read more

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Description of Sitaram Ayurveda Karpooradi Tailam:
A popular yoga from the Sahasra yoga, Taila prakarana, Karpooradi taila is widely used for its acute pain-relieving properties. It is simple preparation of sesame oil infused with the potent anti-inflammatory properties of Ajamoda (Trachyspermum roxburghianum) and Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora).
Abhyanga or ?massage? is an important part of the Dinacharya (Daily routine) prescribed by Ayurvedic literature. Scriptures suggest the use of suitable oils massaged in the direction of hair growth and around joints, to pacify aggravated doshas and maintain balance. Karpooradi taila is ideal for the winter months when the ?Vata? element is aggravated in the body and manifests as aches, pains and rigidity all over the body.
Karpooradi taila is a pain-relieving oil. It may be used on its own or in combination with other treatment methods. Karpura (camphor) is the central ingredient used in the oil. It is blended along with Ajamoda and other herbs in a sesame oil base.

Benefits of Sitaram Ayurveda Karpooradi Tailam:
Karpooradi taila is ideal for the winter months when the ?Vata? element is aggravated in the body and manifests as aches, pains and rigidity all over the body.
It effectively mitigates Vatadosha by its Ushna (hot) and Snigdha (Unctuous) properties. It may be used for extended periods for conditions of rheumatism characterised by pain and oedema, trauma-induced injury and impeded lymph drainage.
The rubefacient property of the taila due to the presence of camphor and Ajamoda gives instant results in painful conditions.
It is also preferentially used as supportive therapy in certain asthmatic conditions. The chest region is anointed with the taila and subjected to sudation, wherein it acts quickly and sustainably on relieving the bronchial spasm and clearing congestion.
Invigorating and warming ? Typical of Kaphahara medicines, the taila unclogs and opens up sweat and sebum pores, stimulates blood circulation, and delivers the medicinal properties of the drugs to deeper tissues.
Revitalising ? The coconut base is hydrating and nourishing to the skin. Infused with the aroma of Ajmoda and Karpoora, the taila restores vitality and vigour to the senses and the physical body. Soothes and rejuvenates dull and tired skin and deeper tissues.

Dosage of Sitaram Ayurveda Karpooradi Tailam:
Quantity sufficient for whole-body application or localised application. Massage in the oil for at least 15-20 minutes, and follow up by sudation or a warm bath for best results.
Suitable for all ages and both sexes.

Ingredients of Sitaram Ayurveda Karpooradi Tailam:
Tila Thailam (Sesamum Indicum)
Sesame oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Topical application of sesame oil is found to relieve chronic inflammations. It is also helpful in increasing the flexibility of muscles and protects joints from oxidative stress due to its antioxidant properties.
Karpura (Cinnamomum camphora)
Also known as camphor , it acts as a counter-irritant and is therefore used topically to relieve pain and swelling. It causes numbness of sensory nerve endings of the skin, thereby reliving pain and inflammation, and preventing skin redness. It helps to cure swelling of various body parts so give relief to joints pain .
Ajamoda (Trachyspermum roxburghianum)
It is an important drug of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani system of medicine, which consists of umbelliferous fruits. The drug to be used in the formulations are fruits of Apium leptophyllum. According to Ayurveda, Ajamoda Arka is useful in agnimandya (loss of appetite), ajirna (indigestion), bastiroga (urinary bladder disorder), vata-kapha-roga (diseases due to vata & kapha disorders) and aruchi (Anorexia).

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