SBL Veratrum Viride - 30 ml
Description of SBL Veratrum Viride:
This homeopathic remedy is prepared from White American Hellebore plant. Veratrum Viride is best suited for the following indication-
Diseases of the heart valves.
Inflammatory conditions of the brain and spinal cord e.g. meningitis.
High fever with twitching and jerking of body. i.e. febrile seizures
Severe cases of hypertension where the systolic blood pressure is as high as 200 mmHg or more.
Tongue White or yellow, with red streak down the middle.
Beating of pulses throughout body, especially in right thigh
Hot sweating.
Dosage of SBL Veratrum Viride:
As prescribed by physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines.
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