Salamisiri / Salep Orchid Dried Root (Raw) - 100 gm
Botanical Name : Orchis latifolia English Name : Salep orchid root Tamil Name : Salamisiri Hindi Name : Salampanja, Salam
About :
Perennial herb, up to 60 to 70 cm in height;palmately lobed, Fleshy, tuberous divided root tubers;leaves many, erect, oblong broadly lanceolate arranged more or less along the stem;Flower: dull purple in spikes.
Benefits :
Salamisiri has been used as a diet of special value for children and convalescents, being boiled with water, flavored and prepared in the same way as arrowroot. Rich in mucilage, it forms a soothing and demulcent jelly that is used in the treatment of irritations of the gastro-intestinal canal. Orchis ascula is an aphrodisiac. It provokes lust exceedingly. Improves Libido, Increases Ejaculation Time and Enhances sexual performance Also Salamisiri cures worms in children. It heals Scrofula (Scrophula or Struma) which refers to a variety of skin diseases; in particular, a form of tuberculosis, affecting the lymph nodes of the neck.. It is given in all forms of wasting diseases such as Phthisis, Diabetes Mellitus, chronic diarrhea and dysentery. It is also much prescribed in hemiplegic and paralytic affections following confection is used in DM and seminal weakness. Salamisri (Orchis mascula), an orchid is used for a wide variety of diseases including worms in children, skin diseases; a form of tuberculosis, affecting the lymph nodes of the neck etc, besides its tremendous value in serving as a special diet.
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