Organic Tattva Moong Dal Hesaru Bele Whole Details
Our moong is extremely rich in nutrients, the shine and rich color is not artificial but a result of a stringent growing process.
Truly amazing experience with myuniquebasket. The way they handle each customer with efficiency it's great. During this pandemic others dont commit about delivery time these guys are far ahead in that. looking forward to do more shopping great work. Keep it up.
Order support and follow up! Very prompt and efficient follow up of the order. Some items weren?t delivered but the support team worked on it and refunded the amount promptly. This means we can use MyUniqueBasket store and expect great service always.
Excellent service! I ordered homeopathy medicines products as I don?t get them where in my country USA, I used to get them from India every month. Because of the Pandemic I couldn?t go. MyUniqueBasket site helped to get them quickly and efficiently. I am very happy with the service they provided. I will continue to use this company in future.
Awesome service. My first order came very fast . Thank you so much myuniquebasket. Will expect this fast delivery going forward for all orders. Thanks myuniuqebasket team.
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