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Maharishi Ayurveda Brihat Manjisthadi Ghan Vati

Maharishi Ayurveda Brihat Manjisthadi Ghan Vati is a Maharishi Ayurveda brand product, best for.. Read more

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Maharishi Ayurveda Brihat Manjisthadi Ghan Vati - 60 Tabs

Ayurvedic Medicine (Classical) Source: Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Maharishi Ayurveda high-quality Vatis are prepared under the direction of experienced Vaidyas using best quality herbs and techniques as described in the classical literature.

Ingredients :
Rubla cordifolla (fe) Rt Pdr. 2.19 mg, Cyperus scarlosus (TRT) Rt. Tr. Pdr. 2.19 mg. Holarrhena antidysenterica ( R Bk. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Tinospore cordifolla (FI) St. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Saussurea lappa( HOT) Rt. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Zingiber officinale (o) Rz. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Clerodendrum serratum (H ) Bk. Pdr. 2.19 mg. Solanum xanthocarpum ( ) Pl. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Acorus calamus () Rz. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Azadirachta Indica (#) Bk. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Curcuma longa (T ) Rz. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Berberis arlstata (4 ) St. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Terminalia chebula (TV) Fr.R. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Terminalia belerice ( ) Fr.R. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Emblice officinalis (TXT).R.Pdr. 2.19 mg. Trichosanthes drolca (441) Pl. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Plcrorhiza kuitoa ( Rt Pdr. 2.19 mg. Marsdenla tenacissima (et) Rt. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Embella ribes (94) Fr. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Pterocarpus marsuplum (fr ) It Wd.Pdr. 2.19 mg, Shores robusta (IM) Ht. Wd. Pdr. 219 mg, Asparagus racernosus (PH ) RL Pdr. 2.19 mg, Gentlana kurroo (41) Pl. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Cassla fistula (FGTH) Fr. Pulp Pdr. 2.19 mg, Holarrhena antidysenterica (RK) Sd. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Adhatoda vasica (1 ) Pl. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Eclipta alba (TR ) P. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Cedrus deodara ( W) HE Wd. Pdr. 2.19 mg. Cissampelos parelra (HRV) Pl. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Acacia catechu (+) Ht. Wd. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Santalum album ( m t ) HL Wd. Pdr. 2.19mg, Operculina turpathum (ute) Rt. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Mella azedarach ( 4)Bk. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Pongamla pinnata (**) Sd. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Chaerophyllum acuminatum (in ) Rt Pdr. 2.19 mg, Citrullus colocynthls ( 4) Rt Pdr. 2.19 mg. Hem desmus Indicus (H HIRA) Rt. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Cryptolepis buchanan (Poft) Rt Pdr. 2.19 mg, Vetiverla zizanloldes ( ) Rt. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Fumarla indica (fr ) Pl. Por 2.19 mg, Plumbago zeylanica (R) Rt. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Piper longum ( at) Fr. Per. 2.19 mg, Swertia chirata ( f a ) Pl.Pdr. 2.19 mg, Psoralea coryllfolla (4 ) Sd. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Crataeva nurvala (4 ) Bk. Pdr. 2.19 mg, Rubia cordifolla (H OT) Rt. Ext. 3.83 mg., Cyperus scarlosus (E T) Rt. Tr. Ext. 3.83 mg., Holarrhena antidysenterica (3 ) Bk Ext. 5.47 mg.. Tinospora cordifolia (Pita) St. Ext. 6.02 mg, Saussures lappa ( or) Rt. Ext. 11.49 mg., Zier officinale (te) Rz Ext. 7.11 mg., Clerodendrum serretum (K) Bk. Ext9.85 mg. Solanum xanthocarpum (RA ) Pl. Ext 6.56 mg., Acorus calamus (W) Rz. Ext 7.11 mg, Azadirachta Indica (1) Bk. Ext.2.19 mg., Curcuma longa() Rz. Ext 4.92mg.. Berberis artstata (W R ) St. Ext. 1.64 mg, Terminalla chebula (KY) A.R. Ext.26.81 mg., Terminalla belerlca ( ?) Fr.R. Ext. 26.26 mg. Embllca officinalis (14) Fr. R. Ext 22.98 mg, Trichosanthes diolca (teta) Pl. Ext 8.21 mg., Picrorhiza kurtoa (7 ) RL Ext 14.77 mg, Marsdenla tenacissima ( ) Rt Ext 15.32 mg., Embelia ribes (WR) Fr.Ext 3.28 mg., Pterocarpus marsuplum (fr ) Ht Wd. Ext. 4.92 mg. Shorea robusta (HH) Ht. Wd. Ext.1.09 mg., Asparagus racemosus (HG114) Rt. Ext. 12.31 mg., Gentlana kurtoo (144) Pl. Ext. 9.85 mg., Cassia fistula ( KUH) . Pulp Ext. 21.88 mg., Holarthena antidysenterica (2447) Sd. Ext. 11.49 mg., Adhatoda vasica ( 9) Pl. Ext. 8.21 mg., Eclipta alba (TRN)Pl. Ext. 9.85 mg, Cedrus deodara (ar ) Ht Wd. Ext 1.09 mg., Cissampelos pareira (4) Pl. Ext 4.92 mg, Acacia catechu () Bk Ext 2.19 mg., Santalum album (R W ) Ht Wd. Ext 0.82 mg, Operculina turpethum (P ) Rt. Ext. 6.56 mg., Mella azedarach ( 9) Bk Ext 5.47 mg.. Pongamia pinnata () Sd. Ext. 10.39 mg., Chaerophyllum acuminatum ( ET) Rt. Ext. 12.04 mg. Citrullus colocynthis (Fam) Rt. Ext. 11.49 mg, Hemldesmus Indicus (a fu) Rt Ext 6.56 mg, Cryptolepis buchanani(q u ) Rt Ext: 6.56 mg., Vetiveria zizantoides (T) Rt Ext 328 mg., Fumaria indica (1474147) Pl. Ext 4.28 mg. Plumbago zeylanica (it ) Rt. Ext 5.47 mg., Plper longum (fruit wat) R. Ext 20.79 mg., Swertia chirata (fert) Pl. Ext. 5.47 mg., Psoralea corylifolla ( t) Sd. Ext 2.74 mg. Crataeva nurvala (T ) Bk Ext. 7.66 mg., Gum acacla 10.94 mg., Starch 5.48 mg.

Indications :
Useful in leprosy, gout, blood purification, pruritis, fungal infection, facial paralysis, obesity and hypercholesterolemia Dosage: 2 to 4 tablets twice a day with lukewarm water or as advised by the Physician. Storage: Keep in a cool & dry place, lid tightly closed.

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