Lords Homeo Tellurium - 3X
Description :
Uses of Lords Tellurium Tellurium is indicated for Lids thickened, inflamed, itching, pustular conjunctivitis and Cataract. Eczema behind ear, Catarrh of middle ear, discharge acrid, smells like fish-pickle, Deafness is well checked by Tellurium. Tellurium relieves Coryza, lachrymation and hoarsenes. Empty and weak feeling, Heartburn is relieved by Tellurium. Pain in sacrum, Sciatica which is worse on right side, during coughing and straining is relieved by Tellurium. It is indicated for Itching of hands and feet, Herpetic spots, ringworm, Ring-shape lesions and offensive odors from affected parts. Common symptoms of Lords Tellurium Barber's itch, Offensive foot-sweat is relieved by Tellurium. It is indicated for Persistent fetid body odour, Restlessness, Lassitude. Psoriasis, Skin dry, hot, Scrofulous eczematous eruption, Itching is reelieved by Tellurium.
Additional Information :
Dosage of Lords Tellurium Put Lords Tellurium tablets into mouth and allow them to dissolve under the tongue. Adults and adolescents (12 years and older) 2 tablets, two times daily, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Children (under 12 years) 1 tablets twice a day. In acute cases a dose every hour or two In severe, painful affections- a dose half hour. In chronic affections one to two doses daily.
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