Lords Homeo Ledum Ointment
Description :
Lords Ledum Ointment Anti dote for stings and bites of Insects, Pains especialum of the joints Action of Lords Ledum Ointment: For punctured wounds, produced by sharp-pointed instruments or bites particularly if the wounded parts are cold, this is the remedy. Small joints. Swollen, hot, pale. Throbbing in right shoulder. Acne on forehead, sticking pain therein. Eczema Long discoloration after injuries. Other indication of Lords Ledum Ointment : It is effective in arthritic conditions the pain begins in the extremities and extends upward. The pain is also much more severe in the lower limbs.It is helpful in painful wounds the pain originates at the sight of the wound and ascends. Lords Ledum Ointment has marked action on insect bites, especially mosquito bites, but also spider bites, tick bites, wasp and bee bites, and scorpion bites. It is well indicated for Wounds that are very painful to the touch, Abscesses and septic conditions that are very tender and relieved by cold. Lords Ledum Ointment helps when there is a tendency to sprain ankles, and with ankle swelling, and painful soles of the feet.
Additional Information :
Direction of Lords Ledum Ointment Apply on affected area after cleaning and dried properly twice a day.
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