Kottakkal Ayurveda Vrisha Ghritam - 150 gm
Vrisha Ghritam is an Ayurvedic medicine in herbal ghee form. It is mainly used for the treatment of resipratory diseases. This medicine is formulated based on Kerala Ayurveda principles.
Benefits :
It is used in the treatment of cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma and such other respiratory diseases. This is excellent in raktapitta, is good in pitta based gulma, heart ailments, jaundice, pitta visarpa, loss of voice. It is also used in preparatory procedure (Purvakarma) of Panchakarma therapy.
Ingredients :
Vasa ? Adhatoda vasica ? root, leaves and leaf sprouts of this herb is used and juice is extracted. The flower is made into bolus, added with ghee. and herbal ghee is prepared.
Dosage :
2 ? 10 ml, before food with warm water, once or twice a day, or as directed by Ayurvedic physician. It is traditionally administered along with half as much honey as the medicine.
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