Khandige Organic Kushmandaka Rasayana - 250 Gms Details
Kusmandaka Rasayana is recommend for all ages from small children to the very elderly as a general tonic and rejuvenative. Kusmandaka has a sweet taste, cooling energy, and sweet post- digestive effect.Its effects are aimed primarily at the digestive and urinary systems, but it is soothing to almost all parts of the body.
Improves digestion. Provides strength to the body. Useful for respiratory disorders. Reduces pitta symptoms like (burning sensation, acid reflux, hyper acidity) Used for headache associated with burning sensation.
How to Use
Adults: 1-2 Teaspoon, Children ? ? 1Teaspoon, twice daily preferably after breakfast and dinner followed by a cup of warm milk or water.
Each 10gms contains Kushmanda, Ghee, Jaggery, Pippali, Sunthi, Jiraka, Tvak, Ela, Patra, Black Pepper, Coriander, Honey.
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