Kerala Ayurveda Sukumara Ghritham - 150 ml
Sukumara Gritham is an ayurvedic medicine for vaginal pain. This is a medicine that can be helpful in treating vulval pain. Whenever one experiences a sharp pain in a private area, it can be a result of infection or some other problems. Whatever may be the problem, this medicine can be helpful in treating problems related to the female reproductive system. Boils and abscesses are problems that can occur anywhere and can be extremely painful. When they develop in the vagina, they can be extremely painful and cause distress. Ayurvedic treatment for boils and abscesses can be given by administering this medicine. This medicine is helpful for abscess treatment, liver abscess treatment, treatment for a hernia, hemorrhoids treatment, and ascites treatment. It is beneficial for the female reproductive system and helps to stimulate menstrual flow. It is helpful in treating pain during periods. It can be helpful in managing mood swings during this time. One of its beneficial uses is in treating delayed periods and prolonged menses. It should be consumed 5 to 10 g twice daily by adults or as per the instructions of the physician. It is a polyherbal formulation made into the form of ghee or gritham as termed in Ayurveda
Ingredients :
Sukumara Gritham has the following ingredients: Punarnava Punarnava or Boerhavia diffusa is known as Hogweed. It balances Vata and Kapha doshas. It is helpful in treating ascites. It is useful to treat menstrual pain. Dashamoola Dashamoola or ten roots is an ayurvedic formulation. It uses ten of the most effective ayurvedic medicines. The ten roots used are: Agnimantha Bilwa Bruhati Gokshura Kantakari Kashmari Patala Prishniparni Shaliparni Shyonaka It is helpful in reducing pain. It is used to treat problems related to the female reproductive system. Jivanthi Jivanthi or Leptadenia reticulata is an ayurvedic herb. It is helpful in nourishing and rejuvenating the body. It can reduce imbalance in all the three doshas. It helps to treat disorders of the reproductive organs. Ashwagandha Ashwagandha or Withania somnifera is one of the powerful ayurvedic medicines. It is helpful in improving immunity. It has antioxidant properties. It is also used as a sexual stimulant. Shatavari Shatavari or Asparagus racemosus is Indian asparagus. It works like a coolant. It helps to improve problems related to burning urination. It is helpful in improving conditions related to lethargy.
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