Kerala Ayurveda Rasnasapthakam Kwath - 200 ml
Backache and joint pain is a problem that affects most people of both genders at some point in their life. It makes doing one?s daily tasks very difficult. Knee pain impacts a person?s mobility. Rasnasapthakam Kwath aims to help provide relief from the above discomforts.
Benefits :
Rasnasapthakam Kwath contains a mix of powerful herbs widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicine for joint pain and swelling as well as Ayurvedic backache medicine backache and knee pain. Some ingredients are great for the elderly undergoing swollen knee treatment. This potent Ayurvedic formulation is made with Rasna as the star ingredient. It is combined with other ingredients that make up a total of seven which translates as ?Sapta?, hence the name Rasnasapthakam. This medicine is a Kwath which is a liquid decoction of the herbs. Such formulations are commonly used in Ayurvedic treatment to balance the Vata and Kapha Dosha caused joint problems such as back pain, arthritis, gout, lumbago sciatica, knee pain.
Ingredients :
Rasna (Alpinia officinarum) This herb is used in traditional Ayurvedic formulations as an immunomodulator, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, diuretic, and anti-ulcerative. It is used in traditional medicine to treat joint pain, digestive problems, respiratory problems and as a blood purifier. It stimulates the digestive fire and pacifies the vitiated Vata Dosha. Its immunomodulatory, diuretic and anti-oxidant properties make it an ideal back ache remedy Amrutha (Tinospora cordifolia) It is used as an adaptogen and for anti-stress It pacifies all the three Doshas. When there is a Dosha that is at less than optimum levels this herb restores it. When there is an increased level of a Dosha, it helps balance it. This herb is an excellent detoxifier to remove the Ama from the body. This helps to treat the cause of joint problems at the root. It is used in traditional medicine for its properties of being an immunomodulator, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, digestive, hypoglycemic, anti-constipation, antacid, analgesic, antioxidant, antimutagenic, gastrointestinal protective, detoxifier and hematogenic. This herb is central to many important Ayurvedic medicine formulations. It is very useful in traditional knee pain and backache treatment It is useful in the treatment of infection, immune deficiency, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fever, chronic fever, recurrent colds and infections, chronic fatigue and chronic catarrh Aragwada (Cassia fistula) It pacifies the Vata and Pitta Doshas It is useful in Ayurveda as an antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, wound healing, hepatoprotective, antiparasitic, antitumor, antiulcer, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic Devadaru (Cedrus deodara) Deodar tree It balances the Kapha and Vata Doshas Relieves the Ama in the body Relieves swelling and used in Ayurveda as an anti-inflammatory making it very good for knee swelling treatment Trikandaka (Tribulus terrestris) Promotes ovulation and is useful in treating erectile dysfunction Diuretic restores the fluid balance in the body It boosts energy and vitality Helps in glucose intolerance and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Eranda (Ricinus communis) Balances Vata and Kapha Doshas Punarnnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) Used in Ayurveda as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and swelling reduction properties. This makes it good for backache medicine It balances the Kapha and Vata Doshas It is useful in the Ayurvedic treatment of liver problems, cardiac problems, hypertension, cough, cold, abdominal pain, menorrhagia, haemorrhoids and as an aphrodisiac. It is used as an anti-toxic in traditional medicine.
Dosage :
15ml twice daily diluted in 60ml of boiled and cooled water or as directed by the Ayurvedic physician.
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