Jhactions Homeo Sinus Drop
Jhactions Sinus Drop Product Descriprion :
Sinus drop controls the following troubles related to sinusitis :
- Sinus pressure behind the eyes and the cheeks
- A runny, stuffy nose that lasts more than a week
- A worsening headache
- Slight dizziness when shifting position
- A fever
- Cough
- Bad breath
- Thick yellow or green mucus draining from your nose or down the back of your throat ( postnasal drip )
Sinusitis :
The most common symptom of sinusitis, and often the most unpleasant, is pain. You have several different sinuses above and below your eyes, and behind your nose. Any of these can hurt when you have a sinus infection. Inflammation and swelling in the sinuses causes them to ache with a dull pressure. You may feel pain in your forehead, on either side of your nose, in your upper jaws and teeth, or between your eyes.
Effects & Features of Jhactions Sinus Drop :
- Relieves nasal congestion
- Helps you get rid of headaches and toxins
- Eradicates the feeling of nasal stuffiness, sore throat, and cough.
- Treats Nasal obstruction causing difficulty breathing through your nose.
- Controls perpetual relapses.
Jhactions Sinus Drop - For Acute and Chronic Sinusitis
Jhactions Sinus Drop Ingredient :
- Flacid 1 x 0.70 ml
- Gels 1 x 0.60 ml
- Geranium Mac Q 1.00 ml
- Silicea 3 x 0.40 ml
- Teucricum Q 1.25 ml
- Chelidonium 1 x 0.70 ml
- Sulphur 3 x 0.35 ml
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