Jhactions Homeo Rheuma - x
Jhactions Rheuma-x Product Description :
Jhactions ® Rheuma-X shows very effective in all related troubles of Gout & Arthritis.
- Muscular pain & swelling
- Muscular inflammation due to injury
- Reformation of damaged tissues
- Increasing cartilage elasticity
Muscular Pain :
Muscle aches and pains are common and can involve more than one muscle. Muscle pain also can involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. Muscle pain is most frequently related to tension, overuse, or muscle injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles and starts during or just after the activity. It is usually obvious which activity is causing the pain.Common causes are :
- Injury or trauma including sprains and strains
- Overuse : using a muscle too much, too soon, too often
- Tension or stress
- Muscular pain & swelling
- Muscular inflammation due to injury
- Reformation of damaged tissues
- Increasing cartilage elasticity
Effects & Features of Jhactions Rheuma-x :
- Gives instant relief in all rheumatic & muscular Pain
- Quickly absorbed and relieves muscular pain and swelling
- Effective in arthritis and Back pain
- Covers all pain types
Jhactions Rheuma-x - Relief in all rheumatic & muscular Pain
Jhactions Rheuma-x Ingredients :
- Each 5 ml. Contains:
- Colocynth Q 1.00ml
- Kalmia Lat. Q 1.00ml
- Rhus Tox Q 1.00ml
- Hymosa Q 0.70 ml
- Colchicum Q 0.55 ml
- Bryonia Alb 3 x 0.60 ml
- Formic Acid 3 x 0.40 ml
- Nat Phos 6 x 0.20ml
- Syrup, Aromatic Q.S
- Colour Caramale Q.S
- Alcohol Contents 10.8v/v
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