Conditions like psoriasis and eczema are painful on the skin while restricting activity in your daily life. Psorapex is an exclusive Ayurvedic gel that aids in reducing the harmful effects of psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin rashes. With soothing and healing properties, get a better skin with no side effects.
Benefits of Green Milk Psorapex Gel:
Heal from Psoriasis: This painful skin condition can be easily handled with Psorapex. The herbal and Ayurvedic Medicinal herbs ensure that it soothes patches and reduces the cracking and bleeding of dry skin.
Freedom from Eczema and Itchy Skin: Dry and itchy skin can become red and inflamed with oozing or crusting in the condition of eczema, eliminate these symptoms and enjoy a better skin with Psorapex Gel
Ayuvedic Gel: The cooling Ayurvedic herbal gel, is filled with the benefits of herbs like Indrayava, Nili, Bakuci, Madhusnuhi, Upkumcika which makes it purely safe to apply on your skin.
Dosage of Green Milk Psorapex Gel:
Apply Psorapex 2 times a day:
In Morning ? Apply and expose the area to sunlight.
At Night ? Apply before going to bed.
Ingredients of Green Milk Psorapex Gel:
Indrayava, Nili, Bakuchi, Madhusunhi, Upkumcika, and Eranda.
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