CAC URIC CARE tablet is a herbo- mineral tablet and is purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Uric care tablets help in balancing kapha doshas. It reduces Kapha doshas impacting high URIC ACID levels of the body and acts as a potent diuretic. It helps reduce the pain while passing urine and clear the obstruction of urine. Help detoxify kidneys. It is also used to treat cough, oedema, asthma and various kidney problems. It contains ingredients like gokhru, imali kshar, yavakshar, kalmi shora, nausadar, swarna gairik etc. This formulation posseses hypotensive, antimicrobial, aphrodiasic and diuretic properties.
Benefits of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Uric Care Tablets:
Renal calculus
Painful urination
Obstruction in urine
Reduces blood urea level
Detoxify kidneys
Slow down the process of agieng
Balance Psychological ailments
Dosage of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Uric Care Tablets:
Take 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily.
Ingredients of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Uric Care Tablets:
Gokhru (Tribulus Teritris) 110mg
Imali kshar (Tamarindus Indica) 90mg
Yavakshar (Hordeum Vulgare) 180mg
Kalmi shora ( Potassium nitrate) 90mg
Nausadar ( Ammonium chloride) 90mg
Swarn gairik( Red ochre) 90mg
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