Description of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Stop Bleeding Tablets:
CAC stop bleeding tablet is a pure herbal formulation that acts as an anticoagulant in nature. it helps to stop or reduce heavy bleeding. when there is bleeding, the body forms clots to stop the bleeding. In some of these clots leads to bleeding after breakage. therefore stop bleeding tablet helps in stopping the clots from breaking and thus reduce the excessive unwanted bleeding. these tablets have anti-inflammatory, pain killer, anticoagulant properties. it also pacifies pitta doshas and helps in detoxification of rakta dhatu (blood tissue).
Benefits of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Stop Bleeding Tablets:
Helps to stop bleeding from nose and mouth
In idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Bleeding disorder
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Ulcerative colitis
Bleeding piles
Peptic ulcers
Wounds & cuts
Ingredients of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Stop Bleeding Tablets:
Nagkesar -200 mg
Laksha -200 mg
Moch ras -200 mg
Swarn garic -100 mg
Kehrwa -300 mg
CAC stop bleeding tablet is a pure herbal formulation that acts as an anticoagulant in nature. it helps to stop or reduce heavy bleeding. when there is bleeding, the body forms clots to stop the bleeding. In some of these clots leads to bleeding after breakage. therefore stop bleeding tablet helps in stopping the clots from breaking and thus reduce the excessive unwanted bleeding. these tablets have anti-inflammatory, pain killer, anticoagulant properties. it also pacifies pitta doshas and helps in detoxification of rakta dhatu (blood tissue).
Benefits of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Stop Bleeding Tablets:
Helps to stop bleeding from nose and mouth
In idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Bleeding disorder
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Ulcerative colitis
Bleeding piles
Peptic ulcers
Wounds & cuts
Ingredients of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Stop Bleeding Tablets:
Nagkesar -200 mg
Laksha -200 mg
Moch ras -200 mg
Swarn garic -100 mg
Kehrwa -300 mg
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