Constipation is the most confusing of the condition represented by unsatisfactory bowel clearance. If the abdomen is cleared regularly your health is safe because major part almost 8o% of immunity is made in the gut and clear and detoxic gut is one of the healthy signs. When body doesn?t like the food intake then it expresses as constipation. It just refuses to expel faecal matter. If constipation persists body starts becoming toxic and reflects on other systems most prominent is skin, respiratory and latter nervous system. After years of hard work and perseverance Botany Bay herbs introduces Shodhna to clear the bowels without dependence. Normally constipation drugs are habit-forming. Shodhna gutika does it in a non dependent and non addictive way without any side effects. Shodhna is combination of three herbs for protecting liver, bowels and mild depression.
Dosage of Botany Bay Herbs Shodhana Gutika:
1-4 tablets once or twice a day after meals with warm water or as directed by the physician.
Indications of Botany Bay Herbs Shodhana Gutika:
Constipation, Gastritis, Flatulence, Liver disease, Ascites and Fever, also helpful in Irritable bowel syndrome.
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