Improves Pond water nutrition , minerals availability and absorption. Improves shell formation and promotes disease resistance. Improves feed conversion ratio. Promotes growth and weight gain. Improves healthy eroskeleton formation and regulates moulting. Reduces or eliminates toxic Amonia , Hydrogen Sulfide and other obnoxious gases. Degrades organic waste. Stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria. Promotes healthy aquatic environment. Increase FCR survival rate there by resulting in better yield. Controls soil and water pollution thus reduces frequency of water exchange. Reduce the montality rate.
Benefits of Al Rahim Remedies Fish Grow Granules:
Improvise Ruminal Activity Improve Appetite , Feed in take and Immunity Support Calcium and Phosphorus Absorption Helpful in water PH Management
Dosage of Al Rahim Remedies Fish Grow Granules:
100 gm. Granules small type of 1000 Fish 100 gm. Granules medium type of 700 Fish 100 gm. Granules long type of 400 Fish
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