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Adelmar 49 Apo - Enterit Drops

Adelmar 49 Apo - Enterit Drops is a Adelmar Homeo brand product, best for.. Read more

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Adelmar 49 Apo - Enterit Drops

Description of Adel Pekana Adel 49 Apo-Enterit Drops:
Adel 49 Apo-Enterit Drops can be prescribed to relieve nausea, abdominal cramping and mild cases of diarrhea that often arise during the summer due to infections or food poisoning. This medication can also be used to address chronic forms of colitis, such as Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. ADEL 49 drops also relieves a variety of symptoms that may accompany diarrhea such as portal vein stagnation and inflammation of the intestinal tract. ADEL 49 drops also helps to resolve diarrhea by supporting proper circulation in the tissues of the digestive tract, digestion and a healthy intestinal mucosa.

Indications of Adel Pekana Adel 49 Apo-Enterit Drops:
For diarrhoea of all types including those due to nutritional disturbance and gastroenteritis.

Ingredients of Adel Pekana Adel 49 Apo-Enterit Drops:
Artemisia abrotanum 4X, Citrullus colocynthis 6X, Cynara scolymus 6X, Podophyllum 6X, Veratrum album 6X, Potentilla anserin 4X, Okoubaka aubrevillei 2X.
Artemisia abrotanum is a penetrating lymphatic with major effects to the digestive tract where it turns, among others, to indications which fulfil the picture of colitis with changing appetites, heartburn, colicky abdominal pain and meteorism, diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Moreover, the medicinal plant owns safe indications for infections and inflammations of serous coats.
Citrullus colocynthis excels by soothing colicky spasms in all hollow organs of the abdomen as well as relieving pains in the peripheral nerves of the digestive tract. Severe, stabbing intestinal colic's accompanied by runny, even bloody stools soon after meals, improving when doubling up and connected with neuralgic pains are also reliably balanced by this substance.
Cynara scolymus is an excretory for the end products of digestive processes having gone wrong. It is one of the most suitable liver remedies and with its amaroid cynarine, the enzyme cynarase it supports and promotes digestion, diuresis, lowers blood sugar and, in summary, detoxifies disturbed metabolic processes.
Podophyllum relieves the manifestations of acute enteritis and gastro-enteritis where it turns in particular to the chronic-inflamed situation of the duodenum, the liver and bile passages. Another symptom to be observed with such a disease is a burning sensation in the tongue; and most severe spasmodic pains accompanied by a bloated abdomen as well as venous stasis additionally characterize the field of application for that substance.
Potentilla anserina is being used in this healing complex for eminent tannin. It enhances the solidification of loosened mucosal tissues and, being a comprehensive spasmolytic, it favours the overall performance of the speciality.
Veratrum album is a well known remedy for gastro-intestinal diseases. Here, however, we additionally need its other excellent indications manifesting themselves as anti-febrile and stabilizing the circulatory system, thus counteracting regulatory disorders of the circulatory system up to impending collapses.
Okoubaka aubrevillei is the powered bark of a West African tree that has proven itself as a first class detoxification medication. It is used to relieve a wide variety of conditions including the flu, phlebitis, toxiplasmosis and many childhood diseases. In addition, the bark has a profound affect upon acute and chronic ailments that affict travelers to the tropics such as severe diarrhea.

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